that we want our family to use

We are a mail order company of dental materials.
We are handling around 8000 items for dental offices and dental laboratories. Our main products are disposal goods such as Toothbrushes, Masks, Rubber Gloves, Plasters, Grinding instruments.
Our product concept is " to deliver quality products we can recommend even to our families. "
Every mail order company has its own advantages such as low price or wide range of lineups. Ours are to offer a more attentive response to our customers and to provide comfortable services and to provide such products to be told that " Nice".
Thanks to your support, ours ranks third in sales volume among dental-materials mail order companies in Japan.
Our goal is not only to grow sales but also to explore and develop something new in our own way.

Even toothbrush and mask we can improve further.
We check products again and again even if they appear to be perfect and have no room for improvement.
About toothbrushes: we have been trying to find the one which can prevent drool from spilling out of your mouth while brushing.
Regarding masks: we hope for the one which is unlikely to leave any ear-loop marks by focusing on the shape and softness of the rubber.
We are trying to catch the needs from "momentary inconvenience" which tend to be overlooked and to address the issue to solve.
Of course we respond to our customers' feedback/ requests, and at the same time we don't overlook even potential issues.
It is our pleasure to hear you say that "This is what I have been looking for" and "This item is great".
Among our lineups, half are our branded products developed by ourselves based on the above ideas.
Just to mention a toothbrush as an example, we have more than 30 types and each has different features and different feelings of use.

To be more than just a mail order company providing convenience and low price.
"My hands got chapped badly. Do you have any recommendations for skin-friendly gloves?"
"Thank you for your advice the other day. I'll send you some local sweets. Please enjoy."
Above are what we received from our customers by phone or mail.
Even in the era of being automated, we dare to continue responding to the customers' calls by operators.
This is because we think of some kind of feeling that only humans can communicate with each other.
In case of trouble, we hope to be the first person to come to our customers' mind and respond with a considerate attitude.
When we make the advertising materials we send as well, we contain our wishes above.
-A 4 panel comic showing an amusing scene from P.D.R. everyday life in our catalogue
-Sharing and enjoying comments and messages from customers and our staff
-Articles describing the report of factory tours and secret story behind the development of products
Working at dental offices/ laboratories requires concentration.
And that's exactly why we want be a one who can make you smile without realizing it whenever you contact ours.
Of course as a mail order company, it is a major premise for us to provide goods at fair prices with high quality conveniently.
At the same time, it would be great if there is a mail order company who delivers something heartwarming and exciting as well to the people who
continue working hard every day.

Deliver Products that we want our family to use
Ever since its founding in 1984、we have been dealing with dental materials.
Dental materials are required to meet the standards.
But if we don't think it is enough just to meet the standards.
In various situations such as our developing new items or checking quality or taking orders,
We ask ourselves '' If it is my family who uses this product, what do I think?"
Should we use more skin-friendly material?
or should we apply this test additionally, although it is not specified as standard?
This might be easier to understand for users?
We will continue providing products and services by seeing things from customers' perspective.
Our branded Product introduction

We offer a wide variety of materials,colors and sizes of gloves to suit your hands.

Mask is touching your face all day long so we are focusing not only on its features but also on comfortable fitting.

High quality Japan-made toothbrush
You can choose from a wide variety of types depending on your needs.

Once you pick one up, a lively chat about the design will start.
With imagining such a situation, we provide a variety of cute design paper cups.

Sterilization pouch/reel
These items has feature to keep the object to be sterilized from getting strained with printing ink

PDR branded quality plaster.
This is made by Kuraray Noritake Dental Ink.
It is a long-selling product.

"alloy for metal-ceramics" & "casting gold alloy"
Both are made by Kuraray Noritake Dental Ink.
This item is available from P.D.R. online shop